Investing in your community

Healthier communities

Tea and talk

We want to create places where our customers can be healthy and happy.

Our Health & Housing Coordinator, Natalie, is focused on healthy neighbourhoods.

They work in partnership with Public Health to improve customer access to public health services.

  • Our Health and Housing Partnership with Peabody and the shared public health team in Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes City councils was shortlisted for two awards.
  • Our multi-agency hub hosted 20 public health services for over 600 visitors.
  • They held quarterly health check-ins in four different locations, which have been popular in our neighbourhoods.
  • We have also developed a project to respond to concerns about asthma, damp and mould. Project Adam will help connect data on asthma, identified by health professionals, with us as the customer’s landlord, so we can tailor our help accordingly.

You can read more about Natalie here.

Supporting young people

Our Youth Participation Coordinator, Nicola, works in partnership with a range of external agencies.

One young person recognised her some years later and said: “If it wasn’t for you, my life would have been really messed up.’ So sometimes there are instant results, and sometimes it’s years later when I see it in people.”

You can read more about Nicola here.

Nicola King talking to a young person at the youth hub

Antisocial behaviour (ASB)

We work with our customers and local communities to provide a safe, secure and clean environment for you to live in.

  • Our website provides an ASB ‘toolkit’, which helps customers work out what is (and isn’t) antisocial behaviour and gives steps to take to resolve issues yourself.
  • Customers on Voice took part in a survey to gather feedback on our updated Antisocial behaviour policy. Almost 90% of customers that took part agreed that the policy was written in a way that was easy to understand. There was also an increase in agreement that the customer obligations are clear, with 88% of respondents agreeing with this statement.
  • Our Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) scores were published in June. TSMs help drive up standards and improve the quality of social housing by making sure housing providers like us are accountable for the services we deliver. Satisfaction levels for our approach to dealing with ASB has increased by 8% to 38%. In the last year we increased the size of our Successful Tenancies team, who have worked really hard with the police and local authorities to tackle instances of ASB. You can read all our TSM scores here.