Investor information

Grand Union owns and manages over 13,000 homes across Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Northamptonshire and Hertfordshire.

We are based in the heart of the long-term growth area between Oxford and Cambridge. Here we have made a long-term commitment to build much-needed affordable homes.

Financial strength

More on our financial strength, credit ratings and value for money


More on our Environmental, Social and Governance work

Securing our future

More on our plans for the future including our corporate plan

Regulatory ratings

G1/V1 - Governance and Viability rating (Reconfirmed July 2023)

Grand Union is regulated by the Regulator for Social Housing and complies with the Regulator’s Regulatory Framework.

In April 2021, we adopted The National Housing Federation’s (NHF) Code of Governance 2020. We review our compliance with the framework annually and report to our Board.

We have an Assets and Liabilities Register in line with requirements. We have adopted the NHF Mergers, Group Structures and Partnerships Voluntary Code for Housing Associations to guide our approach to future opportunities.

Group hierarchy

Grand Union Housing Group is a Charitable Community Benefit Society registered in England & Wales No. 7853, regulated by the Regulator of Social Housing No. 5060, and is a member of the National Housing Federation.

Find our more about Grand Union on the About us page.

Grand Union Homes Limited - a non-regulated private company, registered in England and Wales, limited by shares set up to undertake sales of homes on the open market for the Group.

GUHG Development Company Limited - a non-regulated private company, limited by shares registered in England and Wales, set up to provide design and build services on behalf of the Group. This company began trading on 1 April 2022 during the year.

Grand Union Group Funding Plc - a non-regulated public limited company, registered in England and Wales, formed to generate investment from the Bond market and on-lend all proceeds to members of the Group.

Investor updates

You can find the presentation from our January 2024 investor update here.