Dave Lakin
Dave is our Director of Development & Commercial. He delivers our ambitious new homes strategy and leads a team that identifies and delivers new business opportunities, forges successful new partnerships, builds over 300 new affordable homes a year, manages capital expenditure of over £35m pa, oversees the quality control on our sites, and manages our Homes England (HE) Affordable Homes Programme 2021-26 delivery. Dave also leads our development consortium and manages the sale of over 120 new shared ownership homes each year alongside our market sales activity and the market rent homes in our portfolio.
Having worked in social housing for over 29 years, Dave has gained significant experience within various sized housing associations, delivering new homes and services across a range of tenures, client groups and geographical locations.
He has been with Grand Union since August 2005, has a post graduate Diploma in Housing, is a member of the CIH and is a Board member at Soha, a community, mutual housing association, based in Oxfordshire.