Complex Adaptations

Major adaptations that require work of a more complex nature with usually planning or building permission requirement, licensing from other agencies and land acquisition and/or need additional funding considerations.

•change to the internal layout of a home


•listed building

To qualify for adaptations, the proposal must meet the reasonable and practicable criteria under the Housing Grants, Construction, and Regeneration Act 1996. Before granting permission, we will explore various alternatives to ensure the best possible solution, considering factors such as:

•innovative alternatives

•moving the customer to more appropriate accommodation

Considering funding for complex adaptations

Funding for adaptations may come from a variety of sources, including Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG), Disabled Facilities Works (DFW), and customer contributions. To determine the best approach, we will assess your needs in partnership with a multidisciplinary team, including GUHG, your occupational therapist, and the local authority.

A financial assessment will be carried out, and we will carefully evaluate the benefits and practical merits of the proposed adaptations, taking into account your specific circumstances.

Timescales for this type of adaptation will vary.

Landlord review of adaptations

Landlord permission of a disabled adaptation

To qualify for adaptations, the proposal must meet the reasonable and practicable criteria under the Housing Grants, Construction, and Regeneration Act 1996. Before granting permission, we will explore various alternatives to ensure the best possible solution, considering factors such as:


•innovative alternatives

•moving the customer to more appropriate accommodation

Landlord permission may not be given if:

•The adaptation is not suitable to the type of property.

•It would affect others using communal areas.

•It would extend beyond the curtilage of the property.

•The customer has applied to purchase the property under the Right to Buy.

•The customer has an active transfer application for re-housing.

•The customer is subject to an order of the court or ongoing court proceedings relating to their tenancy (e.g. rent arrears or anti-social Behaviour).

•The customer is refusing to move to a more suitable property previously identified.

•The adaptation is not reasonable and practicable and moving the customer to more appropriate accommodation is recommended.

•Customer refuses to apply for a DFG or to meet their contribution, this will affect the ability to provide the adaptation.