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Did you know, this year is slightly different?
There are 52 weeks in a normal year but every five to six years there are 53 Mondays in a…

Have your say – how are we doing?
We want to hear your views on how we’re performing.. That’s why we’re running an anonymous survey for the next…

Tell us when we get it wrong so we can make things right
We always aim to provide a great service to our customers. However sometimes things go wrong

Our annual rent review
We’ve recently completed our annual rent review. You should get a letter in the post with the new rent amount

Moving across to Universal Credit
You may be aware that some benefits are being discontinued these are called ‘Legacy benefits’

Respecting our teams
In the coming weeks we’ll be releasing our Customer Annual Report. This includes the scores from the T

Operative on way – launching soon
We’re excited to announce that our new real-time mapping and messaging service Operative on Way

New text message number
On Friday 27 October one of the numbers we text you from is changing.. Customers will be getting a text…

Text charges – Rigfords
When our contractor Rigfords were installing carbon monoxide detectors for us they sent text messages to some of our customers…

Wildflower areas
When Chamomile Gardens our over 55s scheme in Biggleswade was being built last year developers planted an area of wildflowers…