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Karen relaxing in her living room


Karen was living in a rented house in Luton when she needed to take over the care of her  grandson…

2 min read | July 8, 2022

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A room full of junk


Linda 57 lives in Northamptonshire and has been a Grand Union customer for over 20 years

4 min read | December 13, 2021

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Jonathan and Nichola

Jonathan and Nichola Houghton had been renting for many years trying their best to save to buy a house of…

3 min read | October 6, 2020

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Robert, Daniel and Frank sat on the sofa in their supported living home

Robert, Daniel and Frank

Robert (27) Daniel (35) and Frank (25) all have various learning difficulties and have lived together for many years

2 min read | August 20, 2019

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