We will soon be transferring our out-of-hours service and Life24 alarm service to Medequip Connect (instead of Astraline).
This means that when our offices are closed but you need to report an emergency, someone from Medequip Connect will take your call. And if you’re one of our Life24 customers and your alarm equipment is triggered to raise an alert, someone from Medequip Connect will respond.
What does it mean for you?
You shouldn’t notice any difference at all.
For out-of-hours calls, the person you speak to at Medequip Connect will still need your name, address, contact details and the reason for your call.
For Life24 alarms, the person you speak to at Medequip Connect will know that a call has been raised from your Life24 alarm. They will have your details and will ask you some questions to understand how to best respond to your emergency situation.
Why the change of provider?
We’ve got a new provider to try to improve the customer experience and to get the best from the contract.
Who are Medequip Connect?
- Medequip Connect is a nationally based organisation currently providing services to over 41,000 people nationwide.
- They have a dedicated Contact Centre in Lancashire, with the latest call handling software, handling over 500,000 calls a year.
- Their objective is to be of benefit to the community and, in particular, to provide reassurance and support to older, disabled or vulnerable people allowing them to remain safely in their own home.
Once we know the date for the service moving over, we will confirm this on our website and on Facebook and write to all our Life24 alarm customers. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please get in touch: www.guhg.co.uk/contact-us/