Rent and other charges review 2025

customers looking at rent letters

We’ve recently finished our review of rent and other charges.

Every customer will get a letter explaining what their new rent will be. This letter also includes any changes to additional charges, such as service charges.

We understand that any increase to your rent and/or other charges isn’t good news. However, to enable us to keep up with rising costs, we need to increase rents and service charges for the year ahead.

You can find more about these changes here. This includes a number of frequently asked questions, including:

  • Where does my rent go?
  • How do we decide how much it is?
  • What do I need to do next?
  • Why is my charge different to my neighbours?

We’re here to help

If you think you’ll struggle to pay, please contact us as soon as possible. We’re here to help. Find out more here.