Voice round up – April 24

A hand holding a mobile phone with the Voice logo on it

We’ve had another great month of engagement on Voice, our customer feedback platform.

Thank you to everyone who has taken part. We use the feedback we get from Voice to help improve the services we offer at Grand Union. Here are the results of the last few surveys and polls.

Shaping the future for Grand Union Housing Group 

Pets Mean Prizes

We had a fantastic response to the Pets Mean Prizes competition. Overall, 63 Voice members shared your precious pets with us. There were some incredible stories of what they mean to you and the joy they bring to your lives.

It was an incredibly hard job to choose an overall winner, but your votes saw Sophie the Caverpoo crowned the winner of this years ‘Pets Mean Prizes’ competition! You can read more about Sophie’s story below:

Sophie’s owner explained ‘I have had Sophie since she was a puppy, and she has been with me through thick and thin. We were made homeless when I was 60. Then we lived together in a unit on a farm, along with my other dog Charlie, who sadly we lost a couple of years ago. Sophie was with me the whole time through that period – and we have been through a lot since. She is protective of me; I describe her as my partner in crime!

Sophie is now 12, and she has diabetes. I have learned so much from caring for her, and along with the support of Woodgreen Animal Shelter, I have been able to medicate and care for her at home. She knows when it’s time for her injections, and she lies still and lets me get on with it. She is now in good health for her age.

She is the most kind, loving dog. She knows when I am not well, and she also helps to care for and give love to other people as well. Winning this competition has really lifted us up, I will be getting her a new jacket with her prize. Thank you again for choosing my Sophie. It means so much to me and I am so pleased that other people have recognised that Sophie is special too!’ 

Thank you to everyone who shared their pets with us and for casting your votes. We hope you will enjoy seeing all the entries in this short video and we think you’ll agree that they all deserve their moment in the spotlight!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6iXOIML6wE – can you spot your pet?

Poll results

Voice also gives you the chance to take part in some polls that are just for fun. Here are your responses to the poll we posted to find out what your favourite sweet is!

What’s coming up

If you have had a repair carried out recently you might have noticed that you now can track the operative when they are on their way to your home. Tell us what you think about this new function in a Voice survey coming up soon.

Get involved now!

It’s not too late to sign up if you haven’t done so already. Simply head to voice.guhg.co.uk now.

It’s totally anonymous and by joining Voice, you’ll be able to help shape and improve our services to give you the best possible experience.

Remember to log in regularly to make sure you have completed the latest activities.

And once you’ve signed up, don’t forget to add [email protected] to your safe senders/contact list. That way you can be kept informed when new polls, surveys and forums go live.