
This page explains who is responsible for what when it comes to damp, condensation and mould in your home.

Customer responsibilities

It’s up to you to:

  • Tell us if you have problems with rising and penetrating damp. You can see definitions for these in our glossary.
  • Tell is if you have faulty equipment. This includes faulty extractor fans, windows that won’t open and problems with your heating system.
  • Allow our teams to enter your homes to carry out inspections and any work needed.
  • Ask for advice and permission when making changes to your home. This is to make sure any changes would not increase the risk of damp, mould and condensation. Examples of this would be when converting two rooms into one or adding an extension. You can find a form for this here.

Our responsibilities

We are responsible for everything else. This includes:

  • Checking on the condition of your home periodically.
  • Checking your home for issues causing damp, condensation, and mould. This could be when they are reported or when we’re carrying out another repair in your home.
  • Letting you know what we find during our investigations. We will keep you up to date with everything throughout the work we do.
  • Finding out what’s causing the issues and doing what we can to fix it, and stop it coming back, as quickly as we can.
  • Insulating your home to help reduce the likelihood of condensation occurring. This is in line with Decent Homes Standard.
  • Maintaining the building to avoid penetrating and rising damp. We will fix these problems if they happen.
  • Carrying out reasonable improvements that will help manage and control condensation. This could include installing improved ventilation.
  • Making sure walls, floors and other surfaces are left are ready to be redecorated after repairs have been done.
  • Giving advice and guidance on how to minimise condensation and risk of mould.