We’re delighted to launch our new corporate plan, Good to be home 2024-27, which is focused on our core purpose of creating homes for those that need them.
In doing so, we want to honour and celebrate the vast legacy of our former chair, Steve Benson, who sadly died in April. Steve became chair of Grand Union in 2022, stepping down just weeks before he died. Up until that point, Steve’s hard work and dedication was focused on his role as chair and the support he gave fellow board members and colleagues in drafting the plan, which was invaluable.
The plan sets out the actions we hope will make it ‘good to be home’ for customers over the next three years.
To shape our plan, we asked customers what home means to them. Then we listened to what our customers, colleagues, board members and partners think.
Customers told us that home isn’t just a place to live, but a feeling – of being safe, secure and having the opportunities to build a happy, healthy and successful life.
You also talked about community – the sense of belonging and being part of something bigger.
Aileen Evans, Group Chief Executive, said: “As the chief executive of a PlaceShapers housing association, I’m constantly reminded that it’s my and my colleagues’ privilege to walk alongside customers on their journeys. Every person’s experience is unique, so it’s our job to listen, offer choices and do all we can to meet people’s needs and aspirations.
“We believe in doing things with people, not for them. And we understand that trust is vital; we can only reach our objectives if those we work with trust our good intentions and ability to deliver. That trust has to be earned every day, in everything we say and do.”
Our new corporate plan sets out how we will bring this to life through the delivery of actions and measures under six interdependent strategies, as follows:
Homes – Safe and secure places for everyone
Customers – services people trust
Resilience – strong organisation and finances
Growth – more homes and impact
Green – sustainable living and working
People – a values-led culture
You can read the plan in full here.