Grand Union Housing Group is proud to launch our latest report on the UK’s welfare system.
As a housing association that owns and manages over 12,500 homes, we see first-hand the impact that the benefit system has on our tenants.
Despite reforms that promised simplicity and fairness, our research shows that the current system remains dysfunctional and difficult to navigate, while also leaving many unable to live on the support they receive.
Our report sets out the experiences and challenges faced by our customers, the impact on us as a landlord, and the possible changes – both long and short term – that could make a significant difference.
We are calling for a fundamental review of the system, along with 10 other recommendations, based on five principles of adequacy, accessibility, fairness, flexibility, and collaboration.
The report provides case studies and line-by-line budgets that demonstrate how difficult it is for families to make ends meet.
We believe that our recommendations for change align with the views of others, both in the housing sector and beyond.
We hope that our report sparks a conversation about how to fix the welfare system. We invite you to read and share the report and join us in the fight for change.
Over the next 12 months we want to work collaboratively with others on a campaign to provide the stories and statistics to evidence that the current system needs to change – along with a clear picture of how policy makers can improve the system for claimants and the taxpayer.
In June we will be holding a workshop with the Chartered Institute of Housing to discuss how we can collectively make the case. Details of the event will follow soon.
Anyone interested in working with us on this campaign can contact [email protected]