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Survey to gather customer feedback on our newsletters
We want to hear from our customers as we shape the way we communicate.. We’ve launched a survey and want…

Rent and other charges review 2025
We’ve recently finished our review of rent and other charges.. Every customer will get a letter explaining what their new…

Mays Place becomes first development fully completed as Amplius
Our 121-home Mays Place development in Bourne has been completed.. The development – on Manning Road in the town –…

Customers urged to be cautious when receiving unsolicited letters
We’re aware that some of our customers have received letters from a company called Property Krowd

Voice round up – January 2025
We’ve had another great month of engagement on Voice our customer feedback platform. Thank you to everyone who has taken…

Aaron Services is now Sureserve Compliance Central
Our heating servicing repairs and installations contractor has undergone a rebrand and has a new name
![[LGGRA-3214] Christmas social media graphic_1024x768](https://www.guhg.co.uk/img-srv/ZfcxmO-kcElDIG4Bs0A5xuSi_tlM1cPGfEjn16bCsCI/resizing_type:auto/width:768/height:0/gravity:sm/enlarge:1/ext:webp/strip_metadata:1/quality:90/bG9jYWw6Ly8vZ3VoZy93d3cuZ3VoZy5jby51ay93cC1jb250ZW50L3VwbG9hZHMvMjAyNC8xMi9sZ2dyYS0zMjE0LWNocmlzdG1hcy1zb2NpYWwtbWVkaWEtZ3JhcGhpYy0xMDI0eDc2OC0xLmpwZw.webp)
Christmas opening hours
Our customer contact centre will be closing at 3pm on Christmas Eve.. If you need to report an emergency repair…

What is a transactional survey and how do we use it to gather your feedback?
We’ve changed how we collect your feedback. Your feedback helps us grow. To collect your views we use ‘transactional surveys’…

Voice round up – December 2024
A message from Julie Doyle our Chief Executive.. https://youtu.be/2TXmyWR3EC8. We’ve had another great month of engagement of Voice our customer…

Welcome to Amplius!
We’re delighted to have officially become Amplius.. Our new organisation has been created following the merger of Longhurst Group and…