Voice round-up

We’ve had another great month of engagement on Voice, our customer feedback platform.

Thank you to everyone who has taken part. We use the feedback we get from Voice to help improve the services we offer at Grand Union. Here are the results of the last few surveys and polls.

Shaping the future for Grand Union Housing Group 

Anti-social behaviour

Voice users helped us to review our Anti-social behaviour policy and identify any areas of the policy that require improvement.

We had 119 responses in total, all providing us with some great insight.

We found respondents felt that some of the language used in the policy could be improved to make the information more accessible. Some examples of this feedback are below.

We are currently using the feedback from this survey to review our Anti-social behaviour policy in order to make it more accessible and ensure both Grand Union and customers responsibilities are clear.

Poll results

Voice also gives you the chance to take part in some polls that are just for fun. We held two polls last month, and first up was our back-to-school poll asking you to share what was your favourite playground game?

It was also London Fashion Week from 15-19 September 2023. Whilst some of the styles left a lot to be desired, we wondered what you thought was the ultimate fashion faux pas?

What’s coming up

Back in the summer Voice members gave feedback on the Damp, Condensation and Mould Management Policy. Using your feedback, we have reviewed the policy and would like to know what you think.

We will also be reviewing our Customer Handbook and would like to know if you have found this useful and what topics you think we should cover.

We also have a poll to find out ‘Which is the most iconic UK landmark’.

Get involved now!

It’s not too late to sign up if you haven’t done so already. Simply head to voice.guhg.co.uk now.

It’s totally anonymous and by joining Voice, you’ll be able to help shape and improve our services to give you the best possible experience.

Remember to log in regularly to make sure you have completed the latest activities.

And once you’ve signed up, don’t forget to add [email protected] to your safe senders/contact list. That way you can be kept informed when new polls, surveys and forums go live.