Voice round-up

A hand holding a mobile phone showing the Voice logo on screen

We’ve had another great month of engagement on Voice, our customer feedback platform.

Thank you to everyone who has taken part. We use the feedback we get from Voice to help improve the services we offer at Grand Union. Here are the results of the last few surveys and polls.

Shaping the future for Grand Union Housing Group 

Damp, condensation and mould management policy

Back in the summer, we asked Voice members to review Grand Unions Damp, Condensation & Mould Management Policy. Using your feedback, we made some amendments to the policy and last month we shared the new document with Voice members to find out whether the revised policy worked for you.

We had 87 responses in total, all providing us with some great insight. Respondents felt the new format makes it easier to understand and that the new policy makes both customers and Grand Unions responsibilities clear.

The graph below shows the percentage of customers who agreed with each statement.

Your views on our work in 2024-27

Voice users also helped us to shape our Corporate Plan for 2024-27.

We had 135 responses in total, providing us with feedback on our proposed priorities for the next 3 years.

Your feedback told us that the areas that you felt we should focus our priorities were:

  • our repairs and maintenance service
  • making our homes more energy efficient
  • reviewing and redeveloping our customer service offer to give you more choice and control

We will be sharing more information on this in the coming months.

Poll results

Voice also gives you the chance to take part in some polls that are just for fun.

It was the London Film Festival at the beginning of October, so it got us thinking, what is your favourite film genre? Thrillers was most popular with 28% choosing the genre. You can see the rest of the results in the graph below.

We also had a poll to find out what Voice members think is the most iconic UK landmark. Buckingham Palace was the winner with 53% of votes. You can see the rest of the results in the graph below.

What’s coming up

Our ‘Rent letters’ survey will be out very soon. This is an opportunity for you to help review the proposed annual rent review letter.

We are also in the process of redesigning our website and there will be a survey in December to give you the opportunity to share your views.

And finally, with Christmas coming up, keep an eye out for some fun polls on which is the best Christmas song and what is the best part of Christmas dinner!

Get involved now!

It’s not too late to sign up if you haven’t done so already. Simply head to voice.guhg.co.uk now.

It’s totally anonymous and by joining Voice, you’ll be able to help shape and improve our services to give you the best possible experience.

Remember to log in regularly to make sure you have completed the latest activities.

And once you’ve signed up, don’t forget to add [email protected] to your safe senders/contact list. That way you can be kept informed when new polls, surveys and forums go live.