
Dennis sitting in his kitchen holding his home made cake

Dennis is no ordinary Grand Union customer. At 99 years of age, he’s one of our oldest, living independently in his house in a Bedfordshire village, a few miles from where he grew up. When Dennis was born, King George V was on the throne and James Ramsay MacDonald was Prime Minister – the country’s very first Labour PM.

“In my late teens, I joined the Navy with a friend and completed my training at Shotley Gate in Suffolk, where we used to climb a 143ft high mast as part of our training, no matter what the weather.

“That stood me in good stead for when I went to Iceland, where I was servicing deck chargers and carrying out electrical repairs to trawlers.

“During WW2, I joined the crew of HMS Loring, a ship transferred to the UK from the US. There were 108 crew and six officers on board, but the Americans had had a lot more crew than that! I was meant to be at the D-Day landings, but the ship got hit in dense fog in the Bristol Channel two days before, and it couldn’t be repaired in time.

“The Chief Petty Officer in charge of the ship was also a torpedo instructor, and put my name on the list for torpedo school. After the training, I joined a brand new cruiser ship which was on escort duties to an aircraft carrier, visiting Malta and Gibraltar.

“I left the Navy after 3½ years and started work at the brickworks in Elstow, where I used to fix the trucks’ charging batteries. I’d be connecting things when they were live – there was no health and safety back then!

“When I moved into this house, I was working in London a lot, carrying out electrical contract work. And when the M1 motorway was opened, I got a job in Northampton. I remember one night there was really thick fog, so I decided not to take the motorway as I didn’t know it as well as the back roads, and I was worried I’d miss the exit!

“I was 20 when I started driving and only gave up 18 months ago. I’ve enjoyed many a trip to Devon and Cornwall for my holidays until just a few years ago.

“I gave my car to my granddaughter so now I have a mobility scooter to get me around. It’s parked in my garage, but I couldn’t get it over the gravel, so Grand Union put in a concrete path for me. The operatives did a great job and even laid concrete under my bins so they’re easier for me to move. I was really impressed with how helpful they were.”

Dennis sitting in his armchair, smiling

Dennis is no stranger to hard work himself, having worked for over 60 of his 99 years.

“I did actually retire at 65, but then I started working for a company fixing hairdryers and electrical equipment in hotels all over the country. I was a month from my 80th birthday when the firm sold up, but I still helped them to clear out the workshop and the premises.

“Although I rely on hearing aids to hear these days, I don’t take any prescribed medication. I don’t visit the doctor, but I do get my eyes checked regularly. My knees aren’t so good of late, but some strapping and some turmeric supplements are helping to keep me mobile.”

Dennis’ house has had several upgrades since he moved in around 40 years ago – it now has a wet room and a stairlift – but he loves his house and his independence, and is keen to keep it that way.

“Grand Union kindly asked if I’d like more help and support at home, but I don’t want it. One of my neighbours calls me every morning to check I’m alright, and another one comes and visits and brings me extra milk if I need it. The postman used to call on me, even if he had no letters to give me. He’s retired now, but still pays me a visit sometimes!

“Until recently, I used to ride a sit-on mower to cut my grass, but I’ve accepted Grand Union’s help with my garden. I’m still looking after my runner beans, tomatoes and raspberries though.

“I don’t watch TV a lot, it’s a waste of time. I’ve always got something to do, like my many jigsaw puzzles that I enjoy doing. And I’m in the middle of painting my summerhouse at the moment. I wanted to use my spray gun, but there were two holes in it, so I patched them up. I’m used to repairing and fixing things, it’s just what I do.

“But I do like to have modern things to help me too; I’ve got an air fryer and a bread maker. I cook my meals from scratch every day and bake my own bread and cakes. If I need shopping, I use my laptop to do it online, like a lot of people these days.”

So with Dennis approaching 100 very soon, what’s his secret?

Dennis holding his favourite bottle of rum

“A tot of Pusser’s British Navy rum and a slice of cake.

“My son is organising some kind of celebration for my 100th birthday with my grandson and my four great-grandchildren. I’m really looking forward to it!”