Our approach to vulnerability

This page confirms our approach to vulnerabilities for our Money/Debt Advice Service.

This statement supports our Money Advice and Welfare Benefits Policy and Money Advice procedure. Our Equality, Diversity and Customer Care Policy supports this procedure.

We are committed to supporting our vulnerable customers and this is why we provide free money advice services.

According to Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) rules, nearly all customers approaching us for money advice will be vulnerable in some way. For example, indebtedness is an indicator of vulnerability. However, there are a wide range of factors that can make a customer vulnerable and these are contained in our Vulnerability Checklist.

We will ensure we consider any vulnerabilities of customers by maintaining a vulnerability checklist, under continual review during the life of a case, for each customer. In this we will determine any adjustments that are needed to support the customer with their vulnerability.

Where we are considering closing a case due to non-engagement or non-compliance with the money advice agreement, we will consider the vulnerability checklist to decide whether the customer’s vulnerability may have contributed to their failure to engage with the service or comply with the terms of the agreement. If that is the case, we will consider making further attempts at contact or discuss the matter further with the customer before considering closing the case.